What is Love? What does it really mean?
The word love is the most miss-used word in the world.
You always hear I love this or that; do they? : so completely?
Perhaps they only like; or care for it; or possibly even need it.
But, do they really Love it?
I know people for whom I have a great deal of affection.
But, do I really Love them?
I like my car, my home, and a multitude of things in my life,
but, could I even say Love even one of them? I don't think so.
I believe that Love must come from deep, deep inside you.
Truly and completely from the heart.
True Love is when you know there is nothing, within your power,
that you wouldn't do for the person you Love.
Love is really caring about the way they feel, and their happiness.
It's trying to protect them from all life's dangers and disappointments.
To make them smile and laugh with joy and happiness as often as possible.
Love is always trying to be there when you are needed.
To hold them tightly as you can when grief and sadness overcome them.
True Love usually only comes once in a lifetime.
When just thinking about that person makes you smile and warm all over.
When doing what you thought was silly and insane; like holding hands and walking in the rain; makes you happy.
When a simple kiss melts your heart.
Then possibly; if you are lucky; you've found that one true Love.
Hold them; Protect them, and Cherish them with all your heart,
and Never, Ever let Them Go......
By Dale Eagle's Wing Freeman ©1994